You have all the answers inside you.

1:1 Coaching for Creatives

Design My Creative Practice

Are you having a hard time starting or sticking to an artistic practice? This can lead to self-judgment and stifle creativity. You may be struggling to meet an unrealistic ideal or one you aren’t set up to meet—yet.

The Design My Creative Practice coaching package helps you find what works best for you what works best for you now because because every season of life is different.


  • A complimentary 30-minute consultation

  • Six 30-minute coaching sessions.

  • Clarify your vision of an ideal creative practice.

  • Define the support and self-care rituals needed for success.

  • Experiment with self-care rituals and mindset strategies.

  • Set goals and manageable action steps toward them.

  • Develop a personalized accountability plan.

  • Create a strategy for continuing your practice beyond our work together.

  • Light email support.

  • Personalized resources: articles, podcasts, meditation playlists, and journaling prompts.

 Rate: $375

Build My Foundation

Do you dream of writing, painting, dancing, or starting a creative project, but feel unsure where to begin? Maybe it's been years since you last created. It can be hard to dive back in without the right support.

The Build My Foundation coaching package helps you prioritize creativity, set boundaries, and develop the mindset and self-care practices needed to sustain your artistic journey. Design a life that makes room for your creative passions.


  • A complimentary 30-minute consultation.

  • Six 30-minute coaching sessions.

  • Clarify your sense of purpose and what being a creative means to you.

  • Experiment with self-care rituals and mindset strategies.

  • Learn how to prioritize your art and develop healthy boundaries.

  • Experiment with techniques to quiet your inner critic.

  • Light email support.

  • Personalized resources: articles, podcasts, meditation playlists, and journaling prompts.

 Rate: $375

My Second Spring

Have you heard of the concept of a second spring? In Chinese and Japanese cultures, it symbolizes mid-life as a time for renewal, when a woman can bloom and begin a fresh season.

By tapping into who you are as a woman and a creator, you can intentionally fuel your creativity and bring new vitality to your art and life.

While designed for women in mid-life, this package can help any woman at a crossroads who seeks self-knowledge and creative fulfillment.

This may be for you if you’re ready to:

  • Craft a new beginning, guided by your accumulated wisdom

  • Strengthen your intuition

  • Reflect on your creative life, embrace what's missing, and release what no longer serves you

  • Reignite energy and inspiration in your creative journey


  • One 30-minute discovery call.

  • Six 60-minute themed coaching sessions via Zoom or phone, providing tools for self-exploration and progress.

  • One 30-minute follow-up session to celebrate your insights and achievements.

  • Inspirational check-in emails 2–3 times weekly.

  • Optional free add-ons: Coaching assessments, such as the Wheel of Life, Ideal Image, and Values Assessment.

    Rate: $750.00

1: 1 Writing Coaching

As a writer, I know how vulnerable it can feel to get feedback. I also know the energy you bring to the page is the energy that infuses the work, which readers pick up on.

My writing coaching blends editorial feedback with nurturing your artist’s soul. Beyond writing, we can explore topics like your artistic identity, voice, feelings about sharing your work, publishing, or silencing self-criticism. The journey is yours to shape.

Writing coaching may be for you if:

  • You write fiction, creative nonfiction, personal essays, or poetry.

  • You want to improve your craft.

  • You seek a non-judgmental space to explore your writing and artistic identity.

  • You’re ready to experiment with your work.

  • You’re wary of criticism and want to build resilience.

  • You want to create a writing routine you can stick to.

  • You’re ready to write!

Writing Coaching Intensive


  • One 30-minute complimentary discovery call.

  • Six 60-minute coaching calls (weekly or bi-weekly via phone or video).

  • Feedback on up to 5,000 words per session with margin notes and a short editorial report focused on big-picture and craft elements.

  • Feedback highlights strengths and offers opportunities for growth.

  • Personalized accountability plan.

  • Inspirational check-in emails 2–3 times weekly.

  • Personalized resource recommendations.

Rate: $1,300

Writing Coaching Taster


  • One 30-minute complimentary discovery call.

  • Six 30-minute coaching calls (weekly or bi-weekly via phone or video).

  • Feedback on up to 2,500 words per session with margin notes and a short editorial report focused on big-picture and craft elements.

  • Feedback highlights strengths and offers opportunities for growth.

  • Personalized accountability plan.

  • Inspirational check-in emails 2–3 times weekly.

  • Personalized resource recommendations.

Rate: $650

Writing Coaching: À la Carte

Perhaps you’d prefer to receive feedback on your initial idea or outline, focus on a particular craft issue or passage, discuss character development, weigh your options, or meet less frequently or regularly.


  • You define your needs and goals for the feedback and our coaching session.

  • Feedback on up to 2,500 words with margin notes and a short editorial report focused on big-picture and craft elements.

  • With your needs and goals in mind, my feedback highlights strengths and offers opportunities for growth.

  • One 60-minute coaching call.

  • If you later book a coaching package, you will receive a 10% discount.

Rate: $175 per session

“Trinity's thoughtful advice and encouragement has been a catalyst in the process of drafting my first novel. Before working with Trinity, I was full of anxiety and self-doubt about whether I could truly finish a full manuscript. But after just a few weeks of sessions with her, I hit a significant milestone in my project. " 

Meg McIntyre, reporter, writer, editor

“Her skill as a developmental editor was obvious from the start but she is also eager to assist with creative or writing practices, to speak with you about your goals and habits. Most of all, I feel absolutely lucky to be able to speak to her about my work. She cares about my story and wants it to succeed.”          

— Ester Barkai, arts writer, fiction writer


  • I help creatives by actively listening, asking questions, and sharing connections and observations.

    You have all the answers inside of you and my job is to help you expand your perspectives and possibilities. The agenda, goals, and outcomes are up to you. I will never impose my views on you.

    In addition to being a trained editor, I’m a certified professional coach (life coach) who specializes in personal development and accessing creativity. I follow the International Coaching Federation’s Code of Ethics.

  • Coaching
    All women and all types of creators are welcome at Verve Creativity Lab. Every creative brings her lifetime of experiences and identities to her creative journey. I will honor your "who" by offering a nonjudgemental, nurturing space in which to explore and dream.

    The purpose of writing is to communicate with readers effectively. This goes beyond clarity and concision—it’s how you make readers feel.

    As an editor, I act as a liaison between writers and readers. Therefore, all of my editorial services include flagging anything that could land the wrong way.

  • Step 1

    On a mutually agreed-upon date, you’ll share your pages with me via email or upload them to a shared drive.

    Step 2

    I’ll read your pages and add light notes and reactions in the margins via Track Changes. After reviewing the trends and themes, I’ll draft a short editorial report focusing on what’s working well and opportunities to strengthen your draft.

    You’ll have time to review these documents before we meet.

    Step 3

    We’ll meet via phone or video to discuss my feedback and your questions, weigh your options, and explore your mindset. You’ll define your goals and accountability for the time in-between sessions and the support and resources you’d like from me.

    Step 4

    Between sessions, I’ll send you encouraging messages and any customized resources you request. I’ll also provide support and answer questions via email.

  • Graphic descriptions of violence affect me deeply and remain with me for a long time. Therefore, I choose not to work on manuscripts that include graphic or gratuitous violence, graphic descriptions of sexual violence, any kind of abuse or sexual assault of a child, and domestic or partner abuse.

    However, I realize that life is full of traumas that are explored or exorcised through art, and I also love a good murder mystery. Depending on how it’s handled, I may be all right regarding certain situations, so I’m open to a conversation.

  • Don’t see what you need? Each creator is unique in her process and support needs. I’m open to hearing your ideas and creating a custom package together.

    Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation with me to explore our possibilities.

  • I offer a complimentary 30-minute call to hear about why you're drawn to coaching and give you a taste of what coaching feels like.

    If we aren’t a match, I’ll be happy to recommend a colleague or provide resources to find someone who may be better able to meet your needs.

    Writing Coaching: I’m happy to provide sample feedback on your 1,200 words (the first pages if it's a novel). Please note, this will include big-picture feedback (in-line comments and a short summary) and is not a copyedit or line edit.


Ready to thrive creatively?
Let’s connect and explore your possibilities