About Trinity Fuentes

Hi, I’m Trinity. I combine my lifetime of experience and training to help women embody and live their creative vision. I’m a fiction writer and poet, collage artist and painter, writing coach, developmental editor, certified professional coach, and former arts administrator with twenty years of experience working in museums, often closely with artists.

My Journey

I’m fascinated by the creative process, which is unique to each artist. It’s a deeply personal journey that evolves with us throughout our lives. I've learned that honoring my creative journey is the key to feeling fulfilled, not just as a writer but also as a person. This fulfillment positively impacts my overall well-being and enriches all my relationships.

Though I’ve been writing since childhood, there have been long periods when the words didn’t flow. Depression, anxiety, grief, and the demands of work often left me too exhausted to engage in creativity for long periods. During these times, I felt disconnected from my essence but couldn’t pinpoint why.

To nurture my creativity, I began experimenting with self-care and creative practices that allowed me to see the world through an artist’s eyes again, eventually returning to writing. Working with amazing coaches helped me release deep-seated limiting beliefs and embrace a growth mindset. These experiences have been freeing, and I’ve crafted a way of living that fully supports my creative journey. I had no idea where this path would take me, but now I’m revising my first novel and have even started painting.

My Approach

I believe creativity is a vital part of the human experience and every woman has the potential to create something meaningful. My approach to coaching is holistic and client-centered, focusing on your unique strengths and goals. I combine practical techniques with intuitive guidance, creating a nurturing space where you can experiment, grow, and thrive.

My goal is to help women writers, artists, and creatives, as well as those who wish to begin creating, to:

  • Embrace joy by viewing art-making as less precious and lowering the stakes.

  • View experimentation as a source of insight, not a commitment.

  • Tap into their intuitive, higher artist self.

  • Connect with like-minded creatives to fuel inspiration.

  • Gain the support needed to envision and pursue a fulfilling creative life.

  • Make art!

Join Me

Are you ready to embark on a transformative creative journey? Whether you’re seeking to deepen your existing creative practice, start a new one, or simply to find more joy, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Let's explore your potential and make your creative dreams a reality.

Degrees, Certificates
& Training

  • Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)
    ICF-Accredited Coach Training Program
    Certified Professional Coach

    UC San Diego Extended Studies
    Copyediting Certificate Program
    Copyediting Certificate

    John F. Kennedy University
    Master of Arts
    Museum Studies

    University of Arizona
    Bachelor of Arts
    Creative Writing (Art History minor)

  • Liminal Pages
    Developmental Editing: Fiction Theory
    Developmental Editing: In Practice

    Editorial Arts Academy
    Developmental Editing for Fiction

    Louise Fletcher
    Find Your Joy Taster Course

  • Member of The Writerlies, a women's writing critique collective.

    Editorial Arts Academy Alumni

    San Diego Professional Editor's Network (SD/PEN)
    SD/PEN Board of Directors, Vice President of Programs (Jan. - Dec. 2023)

Ready to thrive creatively?
Let’s connect and explore your possibilities