Trinity Fuentes Trinity Fuentes

5 Ways to Get Past Chapter 1

The publishing industry places a lot of emphasis on a novel’s first lines and chapter to hook the reader. However, over-emphasis on chapter one during drafting can stall the writing process and stifle creativity. Below are five ways to change your mindset and approach so you can get past the beginning and write your novel.

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Trinity Fuentes Trinity Fuentes

10 Ways to Return to Writing

Do you long to return to your writing? Perhaps life has intervened, and a few weeks have turned into months or years. It’s natural to miss that part of yourself and feel disconnected from your creativity. You may even feel some guilt and shame that you haven’t been writing.

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Trinity Fuentes Trinity Fuentes

How a Writing Coach Can Help: Exploring Ideas

Recently, a writer told me about a new idea she had for her novel that sparked an interesting conversation. Verbalizing an idea to another person forces you to look at the big picture, understand its potential impacts, weigh the pros and cons, and make an informed decision about how you want to move forward. As a coach, it’s my job to ask open-ended questions to help you come to your own insights and decisions. I can also help you explore your mindset, so you can move forward and write the story that wants to be told.

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