Trinity Fuentes Trinity Fuentes

5 Ways to Get Past Chapter 1

The publishing industry places a lot of emphasis on a novel’s first lines and chapter to hook the reader. However, over-emphasis on chapter one during drafting can stall the writing process and stifle creativity. Below are five ways to change your mindset and approach so you can get past the beginning and write your novel.

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Trinity Fuentes Trinity Fuentes

Reading Aloud to Grow as a Writer

Reading your draft novel, or portions of it, aloud to yourself can reveal developmental (big-picture) issues you may otherwise miss. If you prepare for it with intention, you will gain greater insights and identify opportunities to strengthen your work and grow as a writer. The point of this exercise is not to identify spelling and grammar mistakes, but to listen to how your work in progress sounds, get a feel for its pacing, and identify any plot holes or things that are missing. But reading aloud can also help you identify what’s working well. It’s just as important to celebrate what you love about your writing!

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Trinity Fuentes Trinity Fuentes

Finding Your Voice as a Writer

Finding your voice as a writer is about embracing your unique version of artistic expression. Rather than something that can be quickly identified, your voice unfolds and reveals itself to you, which takes time and cannot be forced. However, I’ve developed an exercise to help you discover your voice as a writer.

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